Hair transplants in Switzerland with Angela Lehmann

Added by: Unihotel administration account 22.09.2015

Competence through professional and expert advice

Do you suffer from hair loss and worry about your receding hairline when you look in the mirror every day?
You don't have to accept hair loss. There is a method allowing you to get around this problem, achieving the best possible results regardless of the condition of your hair.

I would like to introduce you to hair transplant methods and in particular explain how your own hair can be transplanted (Autologous hair-transplant).

Improvements can even be made in cases of advanced baldness under certain conditions.

The Problem
Many people are confronted with the problem of hair loss on a daily basis. Sometimes it can cause stress

The longest lasting and cosmetically most satisfying treatment of hair loss is, without doubt, the transplantation of one's own hair from a donor area to a bald area.

Size and arrangement of the individual grafts quite significant in determining the final result later.

Each hair removed is implanted without any losses and only a fine, barely visible line remains as a scar.

Swiss Leading Plastic Surgery (S.L.P.S)


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