The little village of Gásadalur, population 18

Added by: Travelinfo 19.06.2017

Because of Gásadalurs challenging rocky shoreline, making it nearly impossible to approach the village from the ocean, the only connection for the villagers to the outside world had for centuries only been possible via a narrow hiking path over the sorrounding high mountains.

A few times a week, given the weather was not to bad, a postman would take the hiking path to bring them mail.

All this changed in 2004 as a tunnel was blasted through the rocky mountains and finally gave Gásadalur a better connection to the rest of the Faroe Islands.

On the picture you can see how the road leads up to the 1.4 kilometer long single-lane tunnel of Gásadalur that was built as part of Faroese policy to preserve the villages and settlements in the Faroe Islands, even those that are small and somewhat remote.

BY THE WAY: here you can read more about how to get around in the Faroe Islands, including how to navigate in some of our more narrow single-laned tunnels:

Photo by Benjamin Hardman
Author: Visit Faroe Islands, Facebook


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